My full review is over on Goodreads but I did want to do some reviewing here as well. Guys, this was so freaking good and terrifying. Like literal chills of what can happen on a slippery slope when you start limiting things by traditional gender roles and expectations. Doing some internet research on this book I turned up some interesting facts, like apparently Finland has a really thriving science and speculative fiction market known as Finnish Weird. This was published three years ago in Finland and only just made it to the US almost exactly one year ago in January 2016.
Barnes and Noble
What an interesting review, RanaElizabeth! I pictured you blazing through the wildness of this book with eyes wide with surprise and your hair flying behind you! When I think of contemporary literature from that part of the world, I generally think of the huge international interest in Scandinavian crime novels. It's nice to add this new piece-- Finnish Weird--to the mix!